Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Asking Big Questions
I ran across the following post during a blog reading session. It came from Steve-Olson.com. He hass a good little post called "ten things I learned from my 4 yr old." Good read. The following insight really hit my heart

"A few weeks ago our cat was dying. So I explained death to my son and told him our cat was going to heaven. I was amazed that he grasped the permanence of death. Like the other members of my family he was very sad for several days. Then he asked, “Dad, how do you get to heaven?” I said,”Well everyone goes there when they die.” He said, “No I mean, how do you get there? Do go out the door and get in the car? Do you take a rocket?” I had to admit to him that I didn’t know how you get to heaven, I just believe in it. A few days latter he asked, “If God made me, who made God?” Good question. I haven’t thought about that one in years.

It hit me because I had jsut finished talking with my 9 year olds about some of this very stuff over pancakes and french toast at our favorite breakfast dinner on route 66.

A couple of observations:
1. Everybody wants to go to heaven.
2. Everybody at some level fears or questions death.
3. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for especially in understanding spirituality.
4. Dads have a responsibility to teach there children about Jesus and Life.
5. We live in a post Christian America.
6. Christians are obligated to the world to reveal the mysteries of God, namely Jesus Christ.
7. Everybody is spiritual, some of us just stopped asking the Big Questions.

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